
I am a reflection of the content you will find on this blog, a computer engineer, a programmer, a handyman, a biologist, a tinkerer, a maker, a thinker, a traveller, a diver and many other things but not one in particular. Nowadays, I am studying medicine at Université Laval in Québec city, Canada. Before that I was studying biology, globe-trotting full time, doing computer engineering and being an officer in the Canadian Forces. Not so long ago I would never have guessed I’d be enrolled in med school. The road there has been arduous for sure, but for the first time in so many years, I feel like I belong, that this is my calling. Time will tell whether this feeling will hold or not, but one thing is certain, the next couple of decades should be interesting.

This blog, was created in 2009 and since then many things have changed, including me. I have kept older author pages (here and here). While they depict version of me that are way gloomier, they should provide some context that might aid in understanding material written in those periods.

One Reply to “Author”

  1. Hi, my name is Fernando Lopez, originally from Honduras, now living in the US. I’m directing a documentary film about Utila and Doctor John. I was wondering we could establish a conversation about using one of your images for our film. We have been working on this documentary for four years now, and it is independently produced. Basically me and a couple of friends have been to Utila 5 times to interview various people. I look forward to hearing from you.

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